Friday, December 17, 2010

For My Geeky Pleasure

I started tutoring a student in Trig last night. He needed review of the Unit Circle, so I whipped out my WICKED paint skills and made this:

Almost 20 years later, I still can walk around the Rose Garden...Ginter (my trig teacher) would be so proud. (If you see a mistake let me has been 20 years).


  1. Wow. 20 years and you are bringing back memories of the "rose garden." This had been completely erased from my brain!!! I guess that tells you what MY brain is like! ha ha!

  2. I never learned the "rose garden". That would have helped. I was actually trying to remember this the other day because I was in a debate with someone about the sine and cosine. Thanks for the refresher. I love the geek in us.

  3. Alas, I somehow skipped trig. ;) But when my husband saw your unit circle, he said, "Whoa, cool!"
